Take Your IT Help Desk Show on the Road with New SysAid Phone Application

Right in the palm of your hand can be your ability to run, manage, analyze and optimize your help desk system with SysAid’s new phone application for Windows Phone 7 (WP7). It’s just one of the ways help desk technology is advancing, and SysAid is one vendor who is on the forefront.

What’s Intriguing About the SysAid Technology?

Put simply, the SysAid WP7 app does a lot. It lets you sort and manage information from numerous accounts and tweak your Office documents, as you’re out and about. It’s also able to accept various versions of trendy apps. Since you’ll be saving so much time with SysAid’s new IT helpdesk application, it could also be handy to note that the WP7 comes with Xbox LIVE already installed.

Be Free From Cumbersome Laptops with SysAid

All the requests for service and their status updates can be accessed with SysAid’s IT helpdesk application—making it a very handy tool for managers. It can also handle processes like asset management from anywhere you are. What you save is the need to sit down and open up a laptop computer when you want to make a fast change to a ticket’s status.

Speed Comes with SysAid, but Not Without Losing Quality

Even with all this speed, SysAid hasn’t left out quality and security, boasting that the product delivers expertly but gives you more on-the-go freedom – bringing IT help desk technology to a new level. The functionality for the phone app is like its laptop or workstation-based relatives, allowing you to access the best mobile helpdesk applications where you can pop up and filter helpdesk tickets and status changes, while also prioritizing tasks and organizing by date when they must be completed. You can also filter asset lists by field and handle most of the tasks associated with inputting a new service request, minus the capacity to change an asset owner and a few other associated fields.

The SysAid app for WP7 is compatible with all versions of SysAid IT and is a free app. It is a part of the company’s series of initiatives to help you take your IT show on the road, which includes other tools such as SysAid’s BlackBerry IT helpdesk app. This app lets your IT staff control requests for service and manage IT assets in a real-time format. Ultimately, the SysAid app is designed to give you more control and more access to requests for service as every request is processed efficiently and quickly.

This is Just the Beginning

You’ll likely see more innovations like this soon. The SysAid help desk IT app is also available across major smartphones, like Android, iPhone and BlackBerry. With several years in the arena, SysAid also offers solutions for your help desk and other operations, including a tool created on best practices from ITIL. You can choose from SysAid’s options as on-site or SaaS, and there’s a version for every size of organization.

Help Desk Expertise from SysAid

If you like the idea of the SysAid help desk portable technology, you may also want to look into the SysAid Pro Edition. It can maximize and mesh several processes, like IT, while also automating your help desk and making everyday tasks simpler. It also offers a one-stop interface that permits you to have top performance without being overly complicated. Inventory updates and changes are tracked with the SysAid Pro, and you can have the added features of remote access, multiple project management, and prioritization of tasks and workflow.

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